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パンティラ★いちご100% 40チラ★パンティラ

200 名前:作者の都合により名無しです 投稿日:03/03/02 12:51 ID:BnzUkvN5
ICHIGO 100% by Mizuki Kawasita 2002-onwoing

Climbing onto the roof of his school,aspiring movie director Manaka accidentally
startles a beautiful girl,who falls onto him and ran away.leaving him with only a
fleeting glimpse of her strawberry-pattern panties(ichigo means "strawberry"
in Japanese). Even though he didn'tget a good look at her face, he decides she's
"the one" - but how will he find her agein? She couldn't be nerdy, glasses-wearing
Aya ...could she?


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